Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What Is Love?

Love. Something I once heard said that love is said too much and not enough, and it may have been the Snow Patrol, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyways, I'm probably viewed as too young to know what any kind of love is other than the love you have for family, friends, or a pet, but perhaps that's what makes me so qualified. I have an idea, not an experience. I'm untainted by not knowing all aspects of love. I still believe that fairytale 'endings' are a possibility.

What I understand completely however, is how confused the world has become about love, simply calling it intimacy or a one night ride.  You see their opinions of love every time you enter the world, whether it be through a magazine you see in the checkout line to as simple as turning on the television. All you see is something that some would view as offensive, like myself. Yet 'they' treat it as though it's normal, something everyone views as common pastime on a friday night. Why has the world come to this, where you feel like no matter what show you view, there will always be a part where you turn crimson, turn away and shield your eyes until the awkward moment passes or the crude suggestions are thrown? What has confused us so much that we feel we have to cap the family limit to 2-3 kids and if you have any more than that, you must be crazy, catholic, or christian?

In fact, we are so confused about what love is that some turn to pornography, and all of a sudden love is just a picture. We as a society have been so poisoned by worldly views on love that we don't even know what love really is! What the world forgets, or pretends not to know is that nothing is that complicated. I believe that's one reason why Christ said that we must be like little children. (Matthew 18:3) Love is simple, as easy as breathing. Love is patient. It does not boast. Love is kind, unselfish, not evil. You can look anywhere in the scriptures, be it the Bible, Book of Mormon, anywhere and it will tell you how truly simple the idea of love is. You don't choose a partner because you can tolerate them, or you find their eyes attractive, or even just to settle down because you're getting too old. Love, and really anything you bring up be it charity, happiness, ect. It's not that complicated, though the action may be deep and have layers.

So why did I choose to write about something kind of controversial? Because I believe in a pure, untainted, unselfish love that belongs to everyone. Love is your mom kissing you goodnight, your dad teaching you how to throw a ball, a boy giving you a flower because it reminded him of you, a girl making sure you made it home safely after a date. The list goes on. It is simple, yet deep. Scary, yet easy. I hope that some of us can remember how simple life can really be, how enjoyable it can be if you just love the simplicity.

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