Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New View

Two posts in a row!? Woah, who would have guessed? When you have a day like today, you have to post! Unfortunately, I'm having one of those moments when you really want to say something, but when you get to it you think, hu, I got nothin!

Anyways, today I did something that scares me. I sang the national anthem. Wow I can't believe it! A dream of mine come true! It's so invigorating to know you can accomplish something if you put your mind to it. But here is one thing I learned from this experience, and an experience I had a few weeks ago. 

The quote that you see almost everywhere that says if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough is more true than I thought. I am learning that there are things in life that you sign up for and walk away thinking, I'm doing what!?! What am I? Insane?! Well, you probably are a bit insane, but insanity isn't always bad. Now you're probably thinking, what is she talking about? I'll explain. 

Insanity is sometimes the thing that gets you to accomplish those scary dreams. It is those small bouts of insanity that get you further along then common sense. Common sense says that there are others out there so much better then you'll ever be. Why try when you'll never be the best? Let me ask though, what is the best? Is there someone out there that is THE BEST basketball player? Or singer? Or mother? No! Something I tell myself when I'm giving myself the you stink mantra is that everyone is made different. So ya, she might be an amazing actress, or he might be a sweet soccer player, but the thing is, the only true measurement of success is ourselves. 

You can't expect to be that other person because you're not that other person! You need to see how you can be better than you. When you compare yesterday's self with today's self, see where you improved, and fix what you see lacking. I believe we are here on this earth to improve. So even if you write one sentence a day in your journal, or you practice your (insert talent, sport, hobby, vocation, or instruments here) for 5 minutes longer then you did yesterday, guess what? You're improving! Small steps can turn into a successful journey in the end! So there is my pep talk to you for the day!

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