I am one of those small voices. You know, the girl in all your classes who comments occasionally and you never see her in the halls at lunch or after school very long. The one that simply runs from class to class, receiving information on how to better your life through English, science, math, and occasionally a few 'interesting' classes.
Anyways, I decided that starting a blog... REALLY starting a blog, would be good. Sometimes I feel as if I might explode because I have to say something, but... Who do I SAY it to? Solution! Here!
I had this inspiration from some women in my life. I won't mention names for privacy and also because I'm a bit shy. I have watched these two women who have had some pretty world shattering experiences. Medical things have happened to these two that no one ever thought was possible. Ever. Not to these healthy, happy, young women. Did I mention that they are young mothers? I have watched them through these tremendous trials and been totally shocked by their love of God through it all. And through that, they found a deeper love for their husbands, children, and life in general. I have watched these two women with aw inspired respect. They have showed me so much about life, and I'm sure they have no idea how much! I just want to thank them for their example of 'glass half full' attitudes when they had every right to see their situations as unfair.
So. What now? Do I spill about my miserable life? Do I brag about how perfect my life is? Becaise I can tell you right now, neither one is true. My life is good. Great in fact. I am so blessed with the life I have. IS it perfect though? Far from it. I promise. But what my intention is, is to share with you a peice of my mind. My silly, sometimes cheesy deep thoughts. And sometimes my dumb ones!
So a thought I had today was, I would rather be real and have no friends, then the be fake and have millions. I then thought, how can I do that? We are told all the time to not share certain things with people because it can be abused and used and hurt you. Words are dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than any weapon in the world. Words are what start wars after all. Words built weapons before weapons were made. At the same time, however, words can't be pent up inside. It can drive you insane! That's what inspired me to say this. It's ok to tell people how you really feel! We all feel! Hurt, joy, anger, pain, that's just how we are! I think hiding those things can be painful. So if you're mad, be mad! If you want to be happy, do it! Don't waste your days putting up a facade of perfect collected calm all the time. It's okay to crack sometimes.
Needless to say, it is important to be happy and posative, not to always gripe about how angry you are at so and so for doing this or that. Be happy, because something I am learning the older I get is that life goes fast. Life is also fragile and can end in an instant. So don't waste your days wishing you had her hair or his sports talent. In the end, you will always be what God made you... You. And you are amazing. Truly. Be you and love you!
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